Better to have AI as a friend than an enemy

17. 6. 2024


I can think of three major technological innovations I've seen in my career: the internet (connecting everything), mobile (connecting all the time), and big language models (LLM, generative AI). The penetration of the first two has been relatively slow (within years). AI, on the other hand, has swept in like a hurricane.

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A digital vault is in the pipeline. It can store personal documents as well as contracts and receipts

3. 10. 2023


Anything can now be done electronically. You can order lunch and groceries to take home, make a doctor's appointment, or enrol on a course at college. Meanwhile, what is still the music of the future is documentation. But that future is around the corner. A consortium of entities has been set up at the European Commission to deliver, within two years, a prototype European digital identity, which serves as the basis for electronic documents, internationally valid prescriptions for medicines or a driving licence that will be valid everywhere in the Union. Experts from Aricoma, who specialise in identity verification and authentication, also have a role to play in this long-awaited step forward.

How AI helps doctors treat burns

3. 10. 2023


Careful, this is a very painful topic. That’s because we’ll be talking about burns with Jitka Schořová and Miroslav "Miki" Volk. Specifically, how data, annotation, artificial intelligence, mobile apps and advanced image recognition methods can play a part in burn diagnosis. This is exactly the task that the SYSCOM Software development team was assigned by the largest burn centre in the Czech Republic (and one of the biggest in Europe), the University Hospital Královské Vinohrady. And it is already - since the beginning of this summer, to be precise - part of Aricoma, the Czech Republic’s largest IT group.

Will Czech artificial intelligence be checking for potholes on motorways?

12. 7. 2023


Philosophy and mathematics may be far more closely linked than they might first seem. And an open chat with Hynek Cihlář, who works in the VPT4 team, only confirms this. In addition to advanced statistics and neural networks, we also touched on the topic of human values and the difference between artificial and human intelligence. "It is only humans who will decide whether the positive or negative qualities of artificial intelligence will prevail in the future. It is our duty to work continuously to develop it in the desired direction and to enable us to identify and monitor the inherent risks early on. In any case - it will be a major task," says the solution architect, who started his twenty-first season in the Autocont jersey, now Aricoma, at the beginning of the year.

A borderless Europe needs a defender. Its new generation is born

17. 8. 2023


Older generations will remember this. Long queues at the border, occasional butterflies in your stomach when the officer spends too long checking your documents. With the Czech Republic's accession to the European Union, checks at the borders of the member states have been abolished. This does not mean that borders are not protected. On the contrary. The Schengen Information System (SIS), for example, has been in operation for years, and in the last few weeks a new generation of SIS has been in place, forming one of the virtual shields of the Union's external and internal borders. Their defences are becoming more sophisticated, running continuously in the background, and there are already plans to improve them further. Specialists from Aricoma are involved in all this.

ELITA. If you are interested in where today's technology, business, IT and maybe even the world is heading. Powerful stories, strong personalities and insider information.

Ow! Why do companies underestimate authorisation and authentication?

26. 7. 2023


When a company implements an information or production system, it knows the expected return and all the future benefits. The finance manager gets better reports, the warehouse manager gets an immediate overview of available items, the accountant gets clearer invoicing documents. It can thus simply calculate the investment. The situation is far more complex as far as cybersecurity and data protection are concerned. Because you're basically "just" paying for everything to work and you don't know much about the background as a whole. That's why many companies say: "it doesn't concern us", "nobody's interested in our data" or "we have something in place, and that's probably enough". And potential gains sell to everyone significantly better than potential losses.

The new Aricoma will be stronger. Also for larger businesses west of the Czech Republic

29. 6. 2023


It was already planned five years ago, when the Aricoma brand first appeared on the Czech market: although the individual parts of the largest Czech IT holding operated under their own names, it was clear that they would become even more connected up over time. And that time is now. Instead of Autocont, AEC, Komix, CES EA and other such brands, customers will now only be seeing Aricoma. "Rebranding is the outcome of a process to enable us to really act as one company. We want the market to see us as a single strong brand," says Milan Sameš, CEO of Aricoma.